• (Editor’s Note: Marilyn Hernandez-Stopp ’14 is blogging from China, where she is visiting as part of the university’s Benton Scholars Program.) My first few days in China have been phenomenal. After an exhausting 14-hour flight, we arrived at the Beijing airport at around 6:30 at night (though it felt like the morning for us!).
    May 13, 2011
  • A campus memorial service will be held 1 p.m. Friday for Theodore Herman, whose death in December spurred a wide range of emotional tributes about his pioneering work in the field of peace studies.
    May 11, 2011
  • (Editor’s Note: This article is by Caroline Morrow ’12, reporting from London) On April 29, I was one of the million people — Britons, tourists, and journalists from around the world — who filled the streets outside Westminster Abbey and gathered in pubs and parks across the city to celebrate the extravaganza that was Prince […]
    May 9, 2011
  • I am so happy that I am officially done with school, and I can’t wait to hop on the plane with some of my closest friends and head to China with them! Everyone has been asking me when I’m leaving for home, and each time I explain that I’m not going home just yet, I’m taking a […]
    May 6, 2011