Members of the ݮƵ Office of Admission carry acceptance letters to the mailroom for delivery Tuesday. (Photo by Duy Trinh)
Good news is arriving in the mailboxes of a select group of students invited to join the this week.
Applications to ݮƵ increased by 4.1 percent over last year to 8,713, an-all time high in the era of application fees, according to the . A total of 2,224 applicants, 25.5 percent, were accepted, and of those, 34.2 percent self-identify as multicultural.
Vice President and Dean of Admission Gary Ross ’77 said ݮƵ also received an all-time high of 849 Early Decision applications, a 6.8 percent increase. Applicants to ݮƵ this year also boast some of the strongest academic profiles in university history.
Applied students have a combined average SAT of 1414, compared to 1397 last year, and a previous all-time high of 1,405. The average GPA is 3.79, up from 3.77 last year.
“We continue to be delighted that ݮƵ attracts so many outstanding young men and women from around the country and around the world,” said Ross. “Our worldwide reach is also becoming more evident each and every year, as the number of applications from is now at an all-time high.”
International applications increased by 8.4 percent over last year, and China continues to represent the largest source of interest (470), an 11 percent increase. Both Vietnam (124), and Ghana (63), showed large increases over last year, 85 percent and 50 percent respectively.
“Our applications from multicultural students are up, and that also includes an increase in applications from African American students,” said Senior Associate Dean of Admission Karen Long. “I think we’re doing a good job communicating what is about ݮƵ. You get into that applicant pool, and it’s just an honor to read about these highly accomplished men and women who want to learn here, live here, and contribute to this community.”
Final financial aid figures will be available in June, but Ross said approximately 100 additional aid offers were given as a result of successful fundraising in the past year and the generosity of the university’s alumni and friends, moving closer toward a policy of need-blind admission.
Lynn Holcomb ’92, senior associate dean of admission, said building a class from a large pool of excellent students is not an easy task.
“The real emphasis is on identifying those who have a love for learning. We do that by looking at their selection of rigorous coursework, how they challenge themselves outside of the classroom, and how they’re seen as a student and member of their high school and local community,” Holcomb said. “It’s those qualities that will help us see how they may transition to the vibrant and intellectual .”
For those on Twitter, take a look at some current students and alumni sending the future Class of 2018 a warm #ݮƵhello.