Journal Articles
Taylor, A. (2023). The Paradox of Epistemic Ability Profiling. Journal of Philosophy of Education 57 (4-5), 880-900.
McDonough, K. M. and Taylor, A. (2021). Paternalistic Intervention: Intellectual Disability and the Justification of Paternalism in Education. Philosophical Inquiry in Education 28(2), 196-208.
Taylor, A. and McDonough, K. M. (2021). Safeguarding the Epistemic Agency of Intellectually Disabled Learners. In Winston C. Thompson (Ed.), Philosophy of Education.
Bacon, J. K. and Taylor, A. (2021). Teaching “Subversively Inclusive” College Courses on Disability, Identity, History, and Activism. Journal of Teaching Disability Studies.
Bonet, S. W. and Taylor, A. (2020). “I Have an Idea!:” A Disabled Refugee’s Curriculum of Navigation for Resettlement Policy and Practice. Curriculum Inquiry 50(3), 242-261.
Taylor, A. (2020). Embodied Refusals: Conceptualizing Civic Dissent with Students Labeled with Disabilities. Educational Theory 70(3), 277-296.
Lamboy, L., Taylor, A., and Thompson, W. C. (2020). Paternalistic Aims and Misattributions of Agency: What the Over-Punishment of Black Girls in U.S. Classrooms Teaches Us ݮƵ Just School Discipline. Theory and Research in Education 18(1), 59-77.
Taylor, A. & Shallish, L. (2019). The logic of bio-meritocracy in the promotion of higher education equity. Disability & Society 34(7-8), 1200-1223.
Taylor, A. (2018). Knowledge Citizens? Intellectual Disability and the Production of Social Meanings within Educational Research. Harvard Educational Review 88(1), 1-25.
Book Chapters
Shallish, L. E., Smith, M. D., & Taylor, A. (2022). Collusive Symbiosis: Notes on Disability as White Property in Higher Education. In Subini A. Annamma, Beth A. Ferri, and David J. Connor (Eds.), (pp. 31-44). Teachers College Press.
Taylor, A. (2020). The Metaphor of Civic Threat: Intellectual Disability and Education for Citizenship. In Linda Ware (Ed.), (pp. 53-67). Springer Publishing.
Edited Volumes
Taylor, A. and McDonough, K. (2021). Intellectual Ability and Disability: New Questions for Philosophy of Education. Philosophical Inquiry in Education 28(2).